Wednesday, March 28, 2012


We have now been in Sydney for 5 days.  Those 5 days seems sooo long now.  It feels as though we have been here for weeks on end.  I am finally getting over my mini-anxiety attacks.  But, I am very much getting tired of the traffic.  We are currently living in a very busy part of the city.  We are using public transport constantly.  I am tired of not being able to just going out for a leisurely stroll.  We have to constantly watch the kids around all the traffic on city streets.  Aubrey is getting a little self-confident in these areas.  That can be good in some ways, but as a mom, I am constantly concerned she will lose her balance at the top of an escalator or run out into a street a little early.  Speaking of all the traffic, we even saw a man hit by a car a couple of days ago.  I think he was okay, but he probably is pretty bruised up right now.  I am hoping that we can move out of this busy, busy area when we find a more permanent residence.  

Now that I have gotten my venting out, I can move onto some more positive points.  The kids are loving being here.  We see and do so much everyday.  Bedtime has never been so easy in my entire parenting history.  Even if there is a meltdown at bedtime, if I can just talk the child (usually Aubrey) into laying down it is over in a minute or two.  I am actually trying to get them to stay up a little longer.  However, I could not talk Carter into staying up beyond 7:45 tonight.  He was tired and he was going to bed no matter what.   

We met with our "relocation experts" at Relocations Australia yesterday.  I was so excited to get going on looking at potential houses/apartments.  But, we are not going out for another week.  I am just so ready to get settled, even though our stuff will not be here for another month (at least).  We decided to go check out a property today ourselves that was open for inspection in Mosman, a close suburb to Sydney on the North Shore.  We really like Mosman, and we think we probably will settle there if everything works out right.  Everyone talks about how family friendly it is while still being close to the city.  The apartment was okay, the location was awesome for convenience, but I am thinking the area around the apartment is too busy.  It is so hard to know what we want.  I guess that is why the "relocation experts" thought we needed another week prior to looking for the longterm.  I guess there may be some method to their madness.....

There is so much to think about.  Yet, I cannot help but be a little jealous of Sean that he has a job to go to next week.  I do not have a job, thus I have no distraction from the goal of getting the family settled.  I guess that is why I am so focused on this house/apartment hunt.  I forget how much of a goal-oriented person I am until my "usual" goals are taken away.  We are all in a big period of adjustment.  Aubrey has really done the best; I guess we should all follow her lead.  Just chill, act like you know what you are doing, and it will all work out. 


  1. Ahhh Diane, it's a big adjustment. It will get better, it takes a while. Sydney is a big place, big with tourists too. A suburb outside of CBD would be good. I can ask a friend who is from there if he as any recommendations if you'd like? The kids adjusst quicker than us moms do for sure! I'm sure there are lots of social groups there. Do you like wine? Aussies are big into wine. Have you hit the markets yet? I suggest during the week it's less crazy. You wouldn't need to drive far to get to some country life. It seems that all of Oz is located on the coast then drive in land and you will be at a farm. I will send a shout out to my Aussie mates for some recommendations for you if that's ok? If you need anything let me know. If you'd like me to ring you I can, we already have good long distance plan for the fam, just fb message me your details. Enjoy your time. And I can validate your stress for sure. Thinking of you doll. Ashley

  2. Thanks Ashley! We really are doing pretty well. Sometimes these issues bother me more when I am tired, and I wrote this just prior to going to bed. I do really like wine. I have already opened my first bottle here. I will include that in the blog later. We have been grocery shopping, but it is kind of hard to get it up to our apartment. We actually just had some groceries delivered this morning. It was the suggestion of someone we met in a restaurant. We did not realize the grocery stores delivered and it wasn't too pricey. We welcome any suggestions to make life a little easier. I think we do feel pretty good about Mosman for a place to live; I think we just need to be a little further off the main road. The apartment we looked at yesterday was only 1 block off an absolutely crazy busy road. We are just trying to figure out a good compromise between convenience and a somewhat normal life. Nothing around here is anything like suburban Kansas City!!! I think we need to find a big park today and run around in the wide open space!

    BTW-The mall here does not have those escalators for the shopping carts, but we did see that in Chatswood. I actually didn't put that together until you said something about it. I just thought the "ramp" escalators were pretty cool.
