Well, I suppose it is time to conclude this. I have been putting this post off for awhile. I kept meaning to write it, and then I would get distracted. However, the time has finally come. The kids and I left Sydney a bit earlier than Sean so that the kids could get back into their U.S. school and not start the new school year in Australia. We came back on January 23rd while Sean stayed back for NINE more (very long) weeks to pack up the apartment and finish his work contract. That time is now past and we have been reunited as a family in our one, and only, residence in Kansas City since March 27th.
Tears are streaming down my face as I write these words. Part of me cannot believe this amazing experience has now come and gone. Even though it is over, I do not want our family to lose that spirit of adventure we felt when we struck out on our Australian journey. It has changed each of us, and I hope for the better.
We were very lucky to have the opportunity to live in Sydney. We tried to never lose sight of that, even during the low points when we were so homesick that we could hardly stand it. There isn't another city in the world that could have offered us what Sydney did. All the photos we took over the two years show the abundant beauty that surrounded us on a daily basis. We lived in a very urban area, yet we could walk 30 minutes and be surrounded by nature. We walked EVERYWHERE. The weather was (mostly) fantastic. The gorgeous views never got old. And, best of all, we made some wonderful friendships that will last a lifetime.
The photos in this blog post are a collection of lasts. All of the photos took place in January. Our last days were so rushed, partly because of our quick trip to the States over Christmas. We returned to Sydney on January 2nd and then left for New Zealand on January 11th. We got back from New Zealand on January 19th and then only had a few short days before flying back to the States on January 23rd. Those days we had in Sydney were a blur of absorbing as much of our surroundings as possible, last minute gatherings with friends, and suitcases (packing and unpacking).
Manly Beach on the day we got back to Sydney on January 2nd. I love all the beaches in Sydney, each for slightly different reasons. If I had to pick a true "favorite" though, it would be Manly. I love the atmosphere, the shops, the restaurants, and pretty much everything else about it. |
This was our last beach day at Balmoral on January 3rd. Balmoral is a beautiful sheltered beach that we could get to by a short bus or car ride (or a longer walk). On this day, we ran into Aubrey's school friend, Charlie, and his mom, Kylie. We had the best beach day while the kids played and the moms chatted. The quality of the photo isn't very good, but the memory makes me smile. |
On Saturday, January 4th, we drove into the city and then over to Bondi Beach. We had to see it one last time. It was the very first place we visited when we arrived in Sydney on March 24, 2012. I remember coming over the crest of the hill on the bus that first day, seeing Bondi Beach laid out before us, and thinking "Wow! We get to live here?!?". |
The original photo of Sean and the kids on March 24, 2012 at Bondi Beach. We had just gotten off the plane a few short hours earlier. You can tell by Carter and Sean's squinting that we weren't quite used to the bright sun yet. (Look at how little the kids were!!!) |
Sunday, January 5th was our last Sunday Funday. I am sure I have mentioned it before, but I will quickly explain it again. For a $2.50 ticket per person, we could travel on any form of public transport (as many times as we want) on Sundays with that one ticket. So, for $10 for a family, we could travel by bus, train, and ferry to anywhere in the city. We often used these days to explore the city for a minimal cost. On this Sunday, we took a ferry into Circular Quay in the city and began walking towards the Botanic Gardens. However, on this day we took a route that we had never taken before. Instead of walking directly through the gardens, we walked in the city along the edge of the gardens. It was a really beautiful walk and we felt so happy that we were still discovering new treasures in Sydney after living there for almost 2 years.
Sean and the kids in front of the Governor Phillip Fountain in the Sydney Botanic Gardens |
Looking out towards the harbour from the Governor Phillip Fountain |
St. Mary's Cathedral |
We were not allowed to take photos inside the cathedral. It would be impossible for me to describe how breathtaking it was. We each lit a candle for my mom and said a little prayer for her while inside. It was a really special moment. |
Fountain in Hyde Park |
St. Mary's Cathedral from Hyde Park |
Cool street art we saw while walking around the city |
We made one last visit to Taronga Zoo on Monday, January 6th. We had an annual pass to Taronga Zoo both years that we lived in Sydney. It has to be the most gorgeous zoo in the world. Not only for the animals and the amazing features of the zoo itself, but also for the backdrop views.
Carter and Aubrey posing with their friend, Charlie |
On Tuesday, we had a little gathering with friends at Clifton Gardens. Unfortunately, the weather had taken a turn. It was rather chilly and the clouds were threatening to drop rain at any moment. So, it was not ideal weather to be playing at the beach. We were so happy to see that our friends braved the weather and came out to see us anyway.
The mums at the play date (and Serena and Aya) |
The kids actually lined up for a photo!! Carter and Aubrey really miss these guys!! |
Sean's parents arrived in Sydney on Wednesday, January 9th, in order to travel to New Zealand with us. It was nice to have them there to help us on our last days in the city when we had so much to do. Plus, they babysat the kids on Thursday night to give Sean and I a chance to have a date night in the city. We had a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant, Radio Cairo, and then went to the O Bar for a drink. The O Bar is a rotating restaurant on the 47th floor in the heart of the CBD (Central Business District). It could not be more picturesque. We finished the evening by meeting up with our friends, Kinsey and Mike, and playing pool at a cool, local bar called The Oaks. It was a really fun night.
View from the O Bar |
We spent Friday preparing for our New Zealand trip. We flew out Saturday morning and spent the next 9 days touring New Zealand. It was an unbelievable trip, but I was feeling a little melancholy and a lot overwhelmed when we got back to Sydney on January 19th. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around unpacking from New Zealand and then packing everything up to leave Sydney for good in 3 1/2 days.
Even though we had so much to get done in a few short days, we did arrange a couple more get togethers with friends. Unfortunately, the weather was REALLY not cooperating that week. It was very hard to plan the gatherings with friends because there are not many indoor places for kids to meet up on the lower north shore in Sydney. The weather is usually so nice; there isn't a big need for those places. We had planned a Monday gathering with Carter's friends and then it was pouring rain when we woke up that morning. So, it had to happen at the only place located around us that 8 to 9 year old boys trapped inside would not destroy - McDonalds. I am sad to say that I forgot to take any photos that day.
Then, on Tuesday, the rain held off just long enough for us to fit a play date in with Aubrey's friends at Countess Park. We have had a lot of play dates at Countess Park over the past 2 years because it is very close to Middle Harbour Public School. The kids' nickname for it is "The Sandy Park". I didn't get a lot of photos at this play date either. I guess my mind was so full of other things at this point that I wasn't thinking about taking pictures.
The kids playing at Countess Park |
Aubrey with her friends, Georgia and Elise |
Other than that, our time was spent packing. Sean's parents did an awesome job of entertaining the kids so that I could work around the apartment. I did come down and meet Sean one last time when he got off of work in North Sydney on Wednesday evening. We went down to Kirribilli to have dinner and then we walked around Milsons Point for a little bit. As much as I love being back in Kansas City, I do miss living in such a visually stunning city.
Walking along the harbour at Milsons Point |
View across the harbour |
Sean and I's selfie on our last evening together in Sydney |
The big day came on January 23rd. I would never want to relive the goodbye we had to say to Sean at the airport that day. It was pretty rough. Overall, the entire day was pretty rough. It helped immensely that Sean's parents were there to help me with the kids. It also helped that the flight back to Dallas was very empty. In fact, it was so empty that even though we fly economy, we were all able to stretch out and sleep lying flat over 3 seats. That was a nice surprise. Plus, the crew was in a really good mood since they had less passengers to deal with.
Carter and Aubrey's last photo in Sydney. This wooden cut out was in the international terminal. It was definitely a day of saying goodbye to the past and hello to new beginnings. |
Sean and I were both grew up in the Midwest. It is where the majority of our family and friends live. We will always consider it our real home, and that is why we did not ever truly consider living in Sydney long term. Yet, there are so many things about Sydney that we loved. I wish we could somehow meld the two different places together. Unfortunately, the 9,000 mile difference makes it impossible. I have no idea what our long term plans will be. Kansas City is where we are called back to at this time. I am fairly certain we will not live internationally again. But, I will never say never. I think the biggest lesson that we learned is we never know where God will lead us, so we will try to keep our hearts and minds open to all possibilities.